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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Satellite ; survellience spying

Comment #24 Jim ( -
"Target Of Illegal NSA Surveillance"

I have been illegally targeted by the NSA for satellite surveillance for decades. The best indictment against the NSA is a lawsuit filed by one of its former employees; a man by the name of John St. Clair Akwei.Akwei's lawsuit can be read in its entirety by typing John St. Clair Akwei VS The National Security Agency into a search engine.
The NSA has information on all American citizens, and based on the information contained within Akwei's lawsuit, has also electronically brain fingerprinted every American citizen based on their body's own unique electromagnetic frequency.
This is the most outrageous government scandal in human history, yet most Americans are still unaware of it.
Read AKWEI VS NSA for yourselves and then write to your elected representatives and demand that they investigate the National Security Agency and the rest of the U.S. Intelligence community.

Comment #25 Stephanio Lee ( -

I am intreasted in looking at the farm land in the upper midwest. I want to see the wether patterns in farm areas. and if the land floods and how often

Comment #26 charles hachey ( -
"my life is not the same no more u just go to the point to kill ur self"

i bout a house 3 or 4 years ago but this 210 feet by 900 i wen around my land every years everything seems normal last winter i started noticing racket never before could of ben normal but where the most melted snow was we hat a great view behind my house i took a few pictures from my bedroom but they seem to have something to reflect a animal picture but after snow melted i when to take a walk it was like a army of animal where running behind my house but animals dont make themself little fires to heat up and all branches where fresh cut so that u could run in those bushes impossible before so about pictures i when down stairs no socks nothing started running behind the house and pictures many of them u could even see they had a shinny thing in there hands and about the sound its like behind under a hydro lines and they will use signs by immitting sounds of birds frogs u named or beep there horns start motorcycle and staled right away every 30 seconds they will mow the lawn nabors so u dont here them comming in the woods if its by the highway big trucks will pass or noisy cars trucks etc anything to destract u u look in woods for shinny things just to distract ur eye look 4 feet left or right up or down but dont forget they are many watching u and they are all dress in camouflage dont forget and look whith monocular they will sent shinny things to blind u if ur to close me i am feath up with them but i am not crazy i am a sweet heart that dont do crimes but if they dont stop soon they will make me a mental case or a criminal so they should go and messed up are lifes if they want to bust me i well come them i got nothing to hide bute if u dont stop i will have something to show cause life is to short to be invaded sincerly charles hachey

Comment #27 subash ( -
"to help a friend"

my fried's laptop & internet usb has been stolen from room i want to search that

Comment #28 Gilbert ( -

trying out new Ideas I trying new resources for my new Ideas

Comment #29 Jeroem ( -
"none "

i like to see a boat at see!! and people !!

Comment #30 Barbara Miles ( -
"Satellite Spying"

The things I have experienced for some time now are hard to believe. Star like object following me everywhere I go. I see shadow like movement them become dizzy and sick to my stomach, My vision becomes so blurry I cant read. I see purple at shadows at night, it makes lights around me larger then they are which make it extremely difficult to drive, The damage it has caused is unreal.. This kind of cruelty should be a concern for all.

Comment #31 algernon # 33 ( -
"Satellite spying"

I have been a victim of satellite spying for approx. 5 yrs. now, and I want all other victims to know that it's not you, and your not alone. I have been tracked, followed, tormented by the voices, cursed shocked and made to scratch by itching sensations, food poisoned w/ sotmach growls/ frequent B.M.'s(usually diahrrhea), ridiculed, threatened, and belittled by these satellite home invaders who are locked on to me 24/7. I'm very relieved that I have found others who can relate/agree with me.Some of the voices are known, and others are not, but none are friendly.Some of them are local, and others are from 2 known CA cities.They watch every thing I do on both computer and cell phones. I have no privacy, and they use this device to put object in my mouth, food or other places. Ican get a bad taste in my mouth from nowhere at anytime. They also like to play games, for example, when I go outside, a lot of cars speed by the house with their cell phones in view, I guess to let me know they're staring. I'm not mentally ill and this is not imagined. Please respond or help.

Comment #32 The Great One ( -
"The Great One"

Ok sattelite survalance is going on. But man you people are realy out there.I understand that with the curren tech. The government, and anyone capabel of hacking into it, can spy on you. What realy makes me laugh is, what makes you think your important enough for them to care what your doing?
The basic problem with conspericy therories is that the people that come up with them need no proof at all. "If it wasn't true they would prove it". Yea like we have time to disprove every nut case that comes up with an idea that the gov. is hiding secrets. (duh, yea we hide secrets, wouldn't be much of a secret if we didn't would it).
Some therories are loosly based in fact. Most are bs. The key issue is that you idiots want to feel more important than you are. Get over yourself the Fed. Gov. doesn't care what your doing. You a singal person or belong to a group not large enough to be a threat.
Yep we can look at you anytime we want provided we know where to look for you. But we don't want to because you of no importance whatsoever.

Comment #33 The Great One ( -
"The Great One"

Ok after reading more of these "complaints" I am even more sure that some of you are actually.... genuine.... nut cases. Most of you just have no lives so you make things up. Do you have any idea what it cost to move those satellites? And we will spend this to whatch you? Why? Are you some one important? Are you a danger to us? hmmm.For those of you "hearing voices" see your dr. you may have a mental or even a physical ailment. Get treated and the "voices" will go away.
For those of you being "followed by sattelites, and harrassed" if you actually believe this I would have to ask why? I mean none of you have stated that you have classified access, or have been a member of a targetted group, or even that you were given a reason for what you claim to be hapenning to you. Again I have to ask, why? If you are envolved in some type of research, or for other reason's that would make us care about where you go and what you do, you certainly haven't made it known in your complaints. I wish you would it would make it a lot easier for us to know which ones of you are crazy and which ones we realy should be watching.
Now for those of you claiming to being "mind read"... ummm you need help. If we could read your mind and control what you see and hear this page wouldn't exsist. We'd just make you think your crazy or erase it from your mind compleetly. If we could. Now get this people THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS MIND READING. Thoughts are yours and yours alone. NO ONE can read your mind. Yep we can look at electrical impulses, we can even determin the "mood" of a person by heat and electrical impulses as well. We can make an intelligent guess at what you might be feeling. but we can't read your minds. If we could we would tell you it's ok, don't worry now please give me all your sharp objects so you don't hurt your self or worse some one else.
Man some of you realy do need help, but not because of spying, because you have lost your minds. Don't worry we have your mind "finger printed" we use our MULTI BILLION DOLLAR satellite to help you find it.

Comment #34 George from Montana -

Don't ruin all the fun.... someone might get a good idea for the next blockbuster movie!

Comment #35 The Great One ( -
"The Great One"

Actually I guess I should appologize to one of you. We are actually watching you. Not for as long as you think we have but for a while anyway.If you hadn't got your friend from M.I.T. to try to hack us we wouldn't have continued. But since you had those resources we decided your worth the effort.
Don't worry though, we haven't installed the lazers yet.

Comment #36 Special Agent G Reed ( -
"SAGReed TL T.A.T. 6"

Are we watchig? If you know about it we aren't doing a very good job are we now?

Comment #37 barbara miles ( -
"non believers"

If any one thinks this isn’t real WAKE UP! How can we just sit back & let our government allow this kind of torture happen to innocent people. We have to ask ourselves, what is this world coming to? Why hasn’t someone put a stop to this? $$$$$ & Power. I have witnessed this personally.. SCARY! My friend is being watched all 24/7. She’s going through a nasty divorce & I am certain her husband is behind this. He is a well know attorney in Sacramento & has many connections. She made a report online with Federal department but has had no response. Look up, u think its a star then it moves & travels like a plane. This technology needs to be unveiled & made public. It is causing physical & emotional damage. They need to be held accountable for the harm they are conflicting on innocent people.

Comment #38 Cstar ( -
"star info"

I have a few things to share & a couple suggestions, first of in regards to “The Great One” lol! Sounds like hes going out of his way to get onto a sight that he claims is CRAZY, WHY? So he can take the time to write such bs & make people think they are crazy. Smoke & Mirrors. The people that have investments ($$$$) in this technology or (and) are using it against innocent people don’t want the cat to be let out of the bag. Don’t let him or others fool you. Do some research on UAVs & satellite technology. Keep sharing as much info as possible.

Comment #39 George from Montana -
"Because they ARE CRAZY!"

Satellite surveillance is completely covert. Those under surveillance by satellites have absolutely no way to know.The satellites RECEIVE an image. They do not broadcast to the target of the surveillance. Yes, they do broadcast, but it is an extremely weak signal that requires a parabolic dish to pick up.
You would feel the effects of surveillance satellites the same as DirecTV, ie: not at all.
It may well be that someone is harassing you and it may or may not include the use of satellite surveillance. But the harassment would be completely separate from the satellite.

Comment #40 cooljack ( -
"i want to see my self"

can i download this satellite spying.. what's the link??

Comment #41 russell street ( -
"satellite survallince"

I Russell street have been survallince for the past seventeen years by russell akamine and jon carroll also known as the debunker club of america!They and the state of hawaii have gotten me in to a government tort and it's pissing me off! Just last night i called the FBI and they told me to call HPD and hung up in my face!! Call HPD and they did the same thing!! I was on section 8 when this happen and ended up losing it because nobody would investigated!! they are jumpping too!! saw the movie "jumpers" and it is no joke!!! were is the NSA or the CIA when you need them!!

Comment #42 athanasios from athens, greece - Sat Apr 2 05:01:57 2011
"is there an actual web link? "

WOW, I'm sorry but is this even possible from a home computer, you know, to actually link up to a satellite in space and then actually be able to take control of a multi-billion dollar piece of equipment just so some guy can look down at some thing or some one (stalker, pervert, est...)? 1st. i was all ways under the impression that just moving a satellites to a certain spot is very expensive and time consuming. 2nd. letting anyone have control of something that to develop a sat. with such technology would probably put the tally in the billions, then another billion to make something from nothing, another billion to send it up into space and finally another billion or so to move it around and have some fun (like a new car, fully loaded with all the cool gadgets. for the first week, none stop, every day, all day i'd be playing my buttocks off!! but wait, now that I'm finished let me share with the world? lol, ya right!!!)!!! I'm sorry but there's no way they would let any tom dick or even yes, harry have excess to something that's probably very valuable and precious to them!!! With regards to them spying on you, please understand something we tend to understand in reality, the world revolves around the sun not you, so i doubt they put it there to spy on you unless you are a threat to the U.S. and it's boarders or world! so get up and go for a walk in the park and enjoy life while you still have the time!!!BUT LET SAY THAT THERE IS EXCESS TO A SATELLITE IN SPACE!!!
just think of all the people in the world that would want to try out this great piece of tec. They'd all fight to log on to a satellite link up and try to find who they're looking to spy on? the sat would not only lose its memory boards (lol) but probably get so overwhelmed it would blow-up in space and god forbid crash into the house of one of those nut bags that think the gov. has it in for them!!! my god, all hell would definitely break lose wouldn't you all agree!!! BUT IF THERE IS A LINK TO ONES OF THOSE SATELLITES IN SPACE THEN PLEASE HOOK ME UP TO SEE WHAT REAL TIME SATELLITE LOOKS LIKE, I WOULD LOVE TO SEE WHAT MY WIFE AND KIDS ARE UP TO TODAY IN THE BACK YARD!!!
SOURCE: Fulldisclousure Forum

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